I found this route to be much more enjoyable than the Lake Janet route, the bush is native rather than exotic at all times and there are better views over towards Mt Oxford and beyond. The pictures are from the phone, so the quality isn't all that great.

The first 2kms or so of the trail are easy running with just a little mud and height is gained slowly, then you hit the switch back section, which still climbs gently up the steeper slope but requires a constant change of direction. There is a short 5 minute side trip at this point to a rather overgrown lookout.

Mt Grey from the lookout on the Mt Grey track.
The eastern foothills from the Mt Grey lookout.
The trail eventually breaks out in to the scrub section and heads for the saddle between the true summit of Mt Grey and point 929. This section makes for great running with views over the other foothills.
Mt Grey summit ridge.
Mt Karetu from Mt Grey.
Good running north of the Mt Grey summit.
From the summit I carried out back down the Red Beech track to make a nice loop. This is also generally good running, but there were some slippery tree root sections, that needed more care. Just over halfway down the Grey River is forded and there is a short climb and long sidle section above the river. There are a couple of washed out sections here that required care when running across them.
Just before the finish the trail passes an old Possomer's Hut and joins the Nature Walk trail. There is a good lookout here back towards Mt Grey and a somewhat gorged section of the Grey River. From here it's only a few minutes back to the Grey River Picnic Area. Total time 2 hours or so (1 hour up and 1 hour down.)
The view back to Mt Grey from the Red Beech trail lookout.
Old Possumer's Hut near the Grey River picnic area.
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